a: self-loathing ~
b: a hot wind


"As for self-loathing that has nothing to do with the writing. My self-loathing predates my writing. I also feel self-loathing when I pull on a shirt and notice it's too tight. I feel self-loathing when I yell at my son for what is, in the end, a minor indiscretion. When I don't call my mother or sister enough. When I ignore the needs of my friends. When I turn on the tv instead of reading a book. When I'm reading a book instead of taking a nap. The self-loathing is like a hot wind that's always blowing and all daily experiences are simply different vessels for channeling the wind. So I don't blame writing for that. I go to therapy."

Writer: Victor LaValle
Date: Dec 9 2014 2:25 PM

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